

About Me

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California, United States
I'm a wife, mom, mom-in-law, grandma, and writer. To read more, visit :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 241

Thursday, May 12, 2011. . .
            THE WRITING. . .!!!!!!!  Copies of Desert Gift arrived!!!  \O/  One of the most deliriously fun things to do is share a new book with others.  I signed, sealed inside padded envelopes, and took to the post office several copies for family and readers (some winners via Facebook, some influential in passing along “reviews,” some who helped my research [noted in the Acknowledgments]). 
            There were a few oh-no moments this morning.  I learned from the publisher that the boxes had been delivered yesterday, left at the front door.  Uh, not at my house.  I investigated.  Some nearby houses are vacation rentals and vacant much of the time.  I took a walk.  Front doors, like ours, are on the side of houses so they are not visible from the sidewalk.  Two doors down, at a house number that transposes mine, sat my boxes of books.
Yes, prayers of thanks were said for an email on another matter from the marketing lady, which led to my inquiry, which led to the discovery and I danced a little jig.  I did not even grouse about the delivery person who obviously reads numbers like I do.
            THE DETAILS. . .What else is there?  =)   Oh yeah, farmers market and home group and a bike ride.  If you’ve read bits of this blog, you could have told me my Thursday activities.  

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